Shradh Puja

  • on November 16, 2016

Shradh is a Puja done as a gesture of respect for your ancestors who are no more. It puts to rest all the sufferings of your beloved ancestors. In this Puja, rituals and food are offered to the departed ancestors. It is important that the ancestral soul rests in peace, or else it wanders about around us and sometimes, curses its progeny, called as Pitri Dosha. If you perform this Puja, you are blessed by your ancestors.

Benefits –

  1. The descendants receive positive energies for the purpose of progress
  2. They receive good fortune
  3. Spiritual and materialistic development
  4. Cures serious illnesses
  5. Protects you from all enemies and evils
  6. You succeed in your career or business

Contact Your Fortune and our Brahmins will get the Shradh Puja done following all the right rituals.

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