How a woman’s zodiac fuels her love for fashion?

zodiac fashion

Being fashionable is synonymous to being creative. Women with resiliently creative bent of mind swear by runway fashion, designer brands, kinky heels and uptown leather boots. Selling a soul for Prada handbags, digging the most daring clothes, flashing a leg or a large dollop of cleavage, all these come pathologically to them. The latest trends fit them like a hug and they are never afraid to push their boundaries when it comes to fashion.

In the due course however, they grow tolerant to the green-eyed monsters and float like lilac clouds at dawn. Their sense of fashion is also the quick-fix answers to tough times. When you are well-maintained and fashionable, you appear confident let alone swaggy.

Read on below to know the most fashionably sound women as per zodiac signs:


Aries: They are unapologetically perfectionists who seem to do justice even to the clothes they are debuting. Their love for designer clothes is the talk of the town and accessorizing well is their forte also. You will find an Aries woman donning watches that flash two time zones even if they are not jetsetters.

Taurus: Their fearsome and practical nature very well reflects in their fashion. They stand out with utilitarian fashion and their wardrobes are packet with jeans, sweatshirts and active wears. You will find a Taurus donning casuals in office like a pro. They will wear a baggy and low cut sweater over a ruffled blouse over a knee length skirt and look like a million dollar.

Gemini: Gemini women always know the demand of the season and pile their wardrobe with them. They are classy, sexy and cerebral when it comes to fashion. Reading the fashion magazines with vehemence and subscribing to the most sophisticated hues and fabrics are characteristic of them. They will even have a cheap street clothing pat with skillful accessorizing technics.

Virgo: Virgos are infectiously energetic to fashion. They will sport crisp white blouses with fitted jeans, little black dresses, flowing gowns like their own skin. Also, their fixation for diamonds, pearls, silver and gold grab the most fastidious eyeballs. Sums up, they are inclined to feminine fashion and will resort to chiffon scarfs, cutesy hair accessories, sassy kitten heels et al.

Scorpio: A Scorpion has the darkest fashion fervor of them all. They like wearing black clothing head-to-toe. It is their mood, not the state-of-the-art fashion that inspires their fashion the most. They like clothes that flash skin, so if you see a woman wearing blouse with a daringly bare back, know immediately she is a scorpion. Besides, the pricey trench coats and stylish jackets made from finest bovines are their picks too. They like to layer up driven by their mysterious nature so see-through capes are their ultimate go-to. They are choosy when it comes to brands and cold shoulder cheap clothing. But who’s complaining?

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